FEJ - Jędrzejewicz Copy

Publisher: Adolphe Catelin et Cie
Date: (1839-1850)
Plate number: Ad. C. (560) et Cie
Title: 24 Préludes
Dedication: Son ami Camille Pleyel

A copy of FE2 from a collection of Chopin's works belonging to his sister, Ludwika Jędrzejewicz. Above all, FEJ contains numerous fingerings, mainly in the L.H. part (b. 1-10, 12-13 and 15-23), and a dynamic indication –  in b. 13. According to J. J. Eigeldinger, the majority of those annotations were written in the hand of Chopin's pupil, Thomas Tellefsen*; however, it is assumed that they were almost certainly indicated by Chopin himself.

* Jean Jacques Eigeldinger Chopin vu par ses élèves, most recent impressions, e.g. Fayard 2006, p. 276-277, fig. 44. Earlier these annotations passed for Chopin's own markings.

Original in: Fryderyk Chopin Museum, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: M/176