A - Autograph

Date: 22 I 1839
Title: 24 Préludes
Dedication: Son ami J. C. Kessler

Autograph fair-copy of all 24 Preludes, sent from Majorca on January 22, 1839 to Julian Fontana for copying. A served as the basis for the first French edition. Many deletions and corrections together with a considerable number of various errors and inaccuracies represent the work devoted by Chopin to A but also the effort the completion of such a large manuscript demanded from the ailing composer. A more detailed description of A as a whole – see Prelude in C no. 1.

Among the corrections visible in the Prelude in A major, the following are noteworthy:

  • Hesitation as to the time signature, which was initially written down as .
  • Dynamic hairpins having been crossed out in b. 19-25.
  • Corrections to pedal markings, e.g. shorter pedal in b. 20, longer in b. 50 and 54.
  • Revised density and arrangement of accompaniment chords, e.g. in b. 39, 44 or 49.

The most frequent defects of A are overlooked accidentals, particularly in b. 43-54. The vast majority of them do not hamper the interpretation of the text, although the missing  raising f1 to f1 in b. 19 may suggest wrong text.

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
Shelf-mark: Mus. 93