FCI - Fontana's copy I

Fontana’s copy of an earlier version of the Prelude.
A - Autograph

Autograph fair-copy of all 24 Preludes, intended as the basis for the first French edition.
FC - Fontana's copy

Copy of A made by Julian Fontana, intended as the basis for the first German edition.
FE - French edition
Ad. Catelin et Cie, Paris, plate number Ade. C. (560) et Cie.
FE1 ‒ first French edition, August 1839,
FE2 – second impression of FE1, (August⇒) 1839.
Brandus et Cie, Paris, plate number B. et Cie 4594.:
FE3 = FE2 with updated plate number, December 1846.
Three pupil's copies with Chopin’s annotations:
FED ‒ copy of FE2 belonging to Camille O'Méara-Dubois,
FEJ ‒ copy of FE2 belonging to Ludwika Jędrzejewicz,
FES ‒ copy of FE2 belonging to Jane Stirling.
Teaching copy, in this Prelude without annotations:
FESch ‒ copy of FE2 belonging to Maria Scherbatoff.
GE - German edition
Filiation of the sources
Additional source
AM – autograph of a fragment (bars 65-72), written into the album belonging to Ignaz Moscheles, and dated „Paris, 9 November 1839” (British Library, London). Above the Prelude, a fragment is written (4 and half bars long) of the melody of the theme from the 2nd movement of the Sonata for 4 hands, op. 47 by Moscheles.
Principles behind the main text
of the Preludes Op. 28
We accept A as the basis. In some places, where one might suspect Chopin to have had made a mistake, we compare A with separate manuscripts of the particular Preludes. We have taken into consideration the annotations on pupils’ copies reflecting Chopin's teaching remarks.