EE1 - First English edition

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: I 1840
Plate number: (W & Co. No. 3099.)
Title: Twenty four Grand Préludes through all Keys
Dedication: His Friend Camille Pleyel

First English edition in which the whole Op. 28 was divided into two fascicules bearing consecutive plate numbers (3098 & 3099), and containing respectively 14 and 10 preludes. EE1 is based on FE2; Chopin had no part in preparing the edition. A cross-cutting description of EE1 in the entire Op. 28 is to be found in the Prelude in C no. 1.

In the Prelude in B minor, a number of revisions were introduced, e.g.:

  • all overlooked accidentals were added (in b. 8, 11-12, 27, 29),
  • cautionary accidentals were added, e.g. in b. 24 and 30,
  • horizontal accents were replaced with vertical ones in b. 1,
  • additional L.H. slurs were added in bars 19-24,
  • the Terzverschreibung mistake in b. 43 was corrected,
  • a staccato dot was added in the L.H. part in b. 45.

In EE1 mistakes were committed too, e.g.:

  • the staccato dot in b. 1 or the quaver flag of the grace note in b. 46 were overlooked;
  • L.H. slurs in bars 12-14 and 29 were omitted,
  • a Terzverschreibung mistake in b. 25 was committed.
Original in: Pierpont Morgan Library, New York
Shelf-mark: Fuld