EE2 - Revised impression of EE1a

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: (1856-1860)
Plate number: (W & Co. No. 3098.)
Title: Twenty four Grand Préludes
Dedication: Camille Pleyel

EE2 introduced small amendments to the text of EE1a i.a. on the basis of a comparison with GE1 – see Prelude in C no. 1.

In this Prelude the only change is an added arpeggio sign in bar 22.

The copy presented in mUltimate Chopin dates from around 1870, as indicated by the content of its title page*.

* Information from the Annotated Catalogue Online.

Original in: British Library, London
Shelf-mark: Tyson P.M.111.(2.)