As - Autograph sketch

Date: 1838
Title: [Prélude]
Dedication: None

A shorthand sketch of the whole Prelude in a version very close to the ultimate one. As occupies the greater part of a page on which three other few-bar ideas are sketched – unrealised kernels of the preludes in C minor and F minor (probably) and an isolated fragment of figuration unrelated to any other known piece by Chopin. On the back of the page, there are sketches of the Prelude in E minor no. 4 and of the Mazurka in E minor, Op. 41 No. 1 (the latter provided with the date "Palma, 28 9bre [28 XI 1838]").

Certain fragments of As are left blank, hence we are not able to say what Chopin envisaged in those places – it concerns the bottom stave in b. 4-7 and 9-10. In other places – b. 2-3, 11-13, 15-16 and 19-20, the repeated groups of L.H. quavers were marked with conventional abbreviations, which we explain in the substantive transcription (version "editors") in accordance with the general principle adopted in transcriptions of sources (p. 12a of General Editorial Principles). Formally speaking, it is also in the 2nd half of b. 8 that the bottom stave is devoid of text; however, in this case we can assume that it is the 1st half of the bar that should be repeated, which we also include in the substantive transcription.

Wherever it is possible to read the sketch, the text generally does not differ from the final version (except b. 19-21, discussed separately), hence we do not consider the variations included in this sketch (resulting from a still undeveloped concept of notation) to be variants.

Original in: Pivate collection
Shelf-mark: F. 1743