Issues : EE revisions

b. 203-210

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I

No fingering in FE (→GE)

Fontana's fingering in EE

Fingering written into FED

Fingering written into FEH


The fingering, marked with details in EE by Fontana, undoubtedly coincides with the Chopinesque fingering, indicated with a few digits in FED. We give the latter in the main text, since it came into being during a lesson with Chopin, although it was most probably only in 203 that the fingering was written by Chopin himself. The same fingering results also from the additions, performed by a foreign hand, in FEH.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , EE revisions , Annotations in FED , Annotations in FEH

b. 204

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I


In FE, there are no accidentals before the 4th and 8th semiquavers in the bar; at the same time, due to the use of an octave sign in the notation of the 1st beat of the bar, it is only the  before the 4th note that is to be considered necessary. In EE, this exact mark was added, whereas in GE, which rejected the octave sign, both necessary sharps were added.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Accidentals in different octaves , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions , EE inaccuracies

b. 207

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I


In FE, a  is only before the top note of the octave on the 2nd beat of the bar. The patent mistake was corrected in the remaining editions by adding a  before the bottom note, whereas in EE and GE3, the unnecessary  before the top note was also removed.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Accidentals in different octaves , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions

b. 210

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I

Short accents in FE (→GE)

Vertical accents in EE


Changing the accent's font to vertical is a characteristic manner of the engravers of EE

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions

b. 211

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I


In the main text, at the beginning of the bar, we add a cautionary  also in the R.H. We also add a  before the 4th semiquaver, f3, and a  before the 9th semiquaver, a3. The latter was introduced already in GE and EE2 (→EE3). 

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions , GE revisions , Cautionary accidentals