GE1 - First German edition

Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Date: X 1837
Title: Douze Etudes || 3me Etude
Dedication: Madame la Comtesse d'Agoult

GE1 is based on GC and it generally accurately reproduces the text of the base text. The differences can be usually explained with an inaccuracy or manner of the engraver (e.g., slurs in the L.H. in bars 66-68) and editorial revisions – e.g., adding  at the end of bars 20 and 22, numerous additions of accidentals (e.g. in bars 20-28 or 41-46), including cautionary, e.g., a  before g1 in bar 41 or naturals before c(1) in bars 61 and 63. Sometimes it is hard to state whether we are dealing with an inaccurate interpretation, manner or revision, e.g., in the case of staccato dots in bars 58-60 and 62-63.

In GE1 a few serious mistakes were committed – e.g., F instead of G on the 2nd quaver in bar 22 from bar 23 mistakenly put also in bar 22 or the overlooked  in bar 58. A few errors of GC were also repeated, e.g., the superfluous  in bar 56, or an inaccurate slur in bar 70.

See also GE1a and GE1b.

Original in: Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń
Shelf-mark: IV 120/1