Graphic ambiguousness
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Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
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Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
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b. 59

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt I

Tied minims in sources

Semibreve suggested by the editors


To the main text we introduce a simpler version of notation, as in analogous bar 219. The tied minims in the sources must be remaining elements of an earlier version, e.g. minims without ties. See also bar 66, 94. 

category imprint: Editorial revisions

b. 59-62

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt I


In the main text we add cautionary flats to b in bar 59 and 61 and naturals to d1 in bar 60 and 62. By contrast, we omit the poorly justified  to a at the beginning of bar 62.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

issues: Cautionary accidentals , Last key signature sign

b. 60-62

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt I

No fingering in A (→GEFE,IE)

Fingering in EE


In the main text we omit the inauthentic R.H. part fingering added by EE in bar 60 and 62.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions

b. 60

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt I

 in A, contextual interpretation

No ornament in GE (→FE,EE,IE)

() suggested by the editors


The poorly visible mark written in A over the c3 quaver is most probably a , which is indicated by the comparison with the respective place in the recapitulation (bar 220 as well as 222). In GE (→FE,EE,IE) the indication was omitted, probably considering it a small crossing-out. This version cannot be entirely excluded, taking into account the absence of the mark in analogous bar 62 – perhaps Chopin decided to keep the ornaments to diversify the recapitulation.
In the main text we include the ornament in a variant form (in brackets) while adding a  specifying the sound of the top note of the trill as d3, which is more natural in this context – omitting such accidentals over trills or mordents is a rule rather than exception in Chopin's notation.
See also bar 62.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Errors in GE , Omission of current key accidentals , Inaccuracies in A

b. 61

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt I

Slur in A

No slur in GE (→FE,EE,IE)


In A the shape of the slur between the e3 crotchet and the e2 quaver resembles the shape of a tie, which suggests that Chopin wrote it by mistake, believing that he was combining two identical notes. Such a tie would make sense in a similar figure 2 bars earlier (bar 59), yet it is uncertain whether it was indeed Chopin's intention (in the analogous phrase in the recapitulation a similar tie is absent both in bar 219 and 221). A trill starting from a tied note is generally rare; in the case of Chopin's oeuvre, it is unheard of, hence we do not suggest such an interpretation of the composer's intention, not even as a variant. In the discussed place it can be considered a slur; however, due to the fact that it is most likely a mistake, we omit it in the main text, as it was already done in GE (→FE,EE,IE).

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions , Errors of A