The poorly visible mark written in A over the c3 quaver is most probably a , which is indicated by the comparison with the respective place in the recapitulation (bar 220 as well as 222). In GE (→FE,EE,IE) the indication was omitted, probably considering it a small crossing-out. This version cannot be entirely excluded, taking into account the absence of the mark in analogous bar 62 – perhaps Chopin decided to keep the ornaments to diversify the recapitulation.
In the main text we include the ornament in a variant form (in brackets) while adding a specifying the sound of the top note of the trill as d3, which is more natural in this context – omitting such accidentals over trills or mordents is a rule rather than exception in Chopin's notation.
See also bar 62.
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category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions
issues: Errors in GE, Omission of current key accidentals, Inaccuracies in A
notation: Ornaments