Issues : Errors of FC

b. 17

composition: Op. 28 No. 21, Prelude in B♭ major

Staccato dot in A

No mark in remaining sources


As was the case in b. 13, in the main text we include the staccato dot written in A and omitted in all the remaining sources.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in FE , Errors of FC

b. 17

composition: Op. 28 No. 15, Prelude in D♭ major

f1 in A (→FEEE1)

e1-f1 in FC (→GE) & EE2


The 7th quaver in A (→FEEE1) is a single f1 note. The e1-f1 second featured in FC (→GE) most probably resulted from a misinterpretation of A. It can be difficult to determine the presence of a middle note of a chord placed on a ledger line in Chopin's autographs; however, this place was written quite clearly – it differs visibly from, e.g. the e1-f1 second in b. 15.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Errors of FC

b. 17

composition: Op. 28 No. 16, Prelude in B♭ minor

Arpeggio sign in A (→FEEE)

No sign in FC (→GE)


The missing arpeggio is most probably an oversight of the copyist.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors of FC

b. 17

composition: Op. 28 No. 18, Prelude in F minor

2 long accents & staccato dot in A

Long accent in FC

Short accent in L.H. in FE1

Short & long accents in FE2

Short accent in GE

Vertical & long accent in EE


In the main text we reproduce the very precise performance marks for the chord on the 2nd beat of the bar in A: long accents over f4 and the L.H. chord and a staccato dot under f3. The R.H. marks were overlooked both in FC (→GE) and FE1, which is justified to a certain extent, since both marks are poorly visible. The L.H. accent (short) was placed in FE under the chord, as a result of which the R.H. octave is not accented at all. FE2 tried to amend it by adding a long accent under it. Introduction of a vertical accent in EE is an arbitrary decision typical of that publisher – cf. the previous bar.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Long accents , EE revisions , Errors in FE , Inaccuracies in GE , Placement of markings , FE revisions , Errors of FC

b. 17

composition: Op. 28 No. 18, Prelude in F minor

in A (→FEEE)

No indication in FC (→GE)


The missing  mark must be Fontana's mistake.

The crossing-out visible in A proves that Chopin initially entered that mark before the f3-f4 octave.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Corrections in A , Deletions in A , Errors of FC