Issues : Authentic corrections of FE

b. 337

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

No indication in AsI & FE

Instrumantation tip after A (→GEEE,FESB)


In the main text we provide the indication concerning instrumentation written as a full word, as it is in A. In GE (→EE,FESB) the Fl. abbreviation was used, which we do not regard as an independent variant. The absence of the indication in FE could be attributed to the changes entered into the basis for this edition – see the adjacent note. The possibility that Chopin could have omitted this piece of information on purpose is less likely – although in the version of FE the bottom voice of the R.H. octaves does not correspond to any instrumental part, the top voice remains an equivalent of the flutes. One can even assume that this indication is all the more justified, since in this version it was the flute voice that was reinforced at the expense of the other instruments that were not included in the piano reduction.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in FE , Errors resulting from corrections , GE revisions , Authentic corrections of FE

b. 338

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

b in last quaver in A (→GEEE,FESB)

No b in FE


Chopin removed b while proofreading FE1 (→FE2). The removal of this note prepares a strictly four-part texture of the next two bars and ensures that the chromatic connection between the G6< major and B major chords is as legible as possible.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes , Authentic corrections of FE

b. 342-343

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

Slur in b. 341-344 in AsI

Slurs in b. 341 & 343 in A (→GEFESB,EE1EE2)

3 slurs in b. 341-343 in FE & EE3

2 slurs, our alternative suggestion

Continuous slur, our other suggestion


The missing slur over bar 342 is most probably Chopin's oversight, which he corrected in FE. The suggested alternative solutions are modelled on the continuous slur in analogous bars 355-357, whereby in the first one we keep the whole-bar slur over bar 341, entered into A.
In AsI Chopin initially wrote a slur compliant with our second alternative suggestion and then prolonged it to end of bar 344.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Authentic corrections of FE

b. 343

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

B-b quaver in small script in A & FE

B-b quaver in regular script in AsI & GE (→EE,FESB)

B-b quaver in small script & [m.s.] suggested by the editors


The version of GE (→EE,FESB) resulted from a mistake by the engraver of GE1, who did not notice that the B-b octave at the beginning of the bar is written in a smaller font, as belonging to the orchestral part. Chopin restored the correct notation in FE. In order to avoid a similar misunderstanding, in the main text we specify that the soloist is to perform the b2 quaver with the left hand to end the quaver sequence from the previous bar. (Hand crossing is not to be applied when performing the piece without accompaniment.)
The same in bar 359.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in GE , Authentic corrections of FE

b. 356

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

No 8¯ ¯ ¯ in A (→GE1FE1,EE1EE2)

8¯ ¯ ¯ in AsI, GE2 (→GE3,FESB), FE2 & EE3


The version of A must be erroneous, which is indicated by a comparison with analogous bar 342, the text of AsI and probably Chopinesque proofreading of FE2. An octave sign was also added in GE2 (→GE3,FESB) and EE3. If – which is likely – the change in EE3 was introduced on the basis of a comparison with FE, it means that a copy of FE2 was used.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , GE revisions , Errors of A , Authentic corrections of FE