The double slur of A (→FC) in b. 21 and the abridged notation of the R.H. part in b. 22 posed problems to the engravers, as far as the interpretation is concerned. In the case of b. 21, the top one is a tenuto slur, sometimes used by Chopin even for single notes, which was not a common practice in his time. FE considered it a slur for the entire R.H. part and omitted the bottom slur, whereas GE stretched it to the next bar, which resulted in an ambiguous curved line – a slur or a tie of b1. In b. 22 there is only a •/• mark on the stave, yet Chopin wrote the top slur above it, which, according to us, does not mean that he forwent the bottom one; however, the editions interpreted it so.
See also b. 25-26.
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category imprint: Differences between sources
issues: Errors in FE, GE revisions
notation: Slurs