FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: 14 IX 1842
Plate number: M.S. 3692
Title: 3 Mazurkas || No. 1.
Dedication: Monsieur Léon Szmitkowski

FE1 was based on A1, which is proven by, e.g. overall compliance of the texts of both sources and by the plate number of that edition written by the publisher at the bottom of the first page of the autograph. FE1 bears traces of Chopin's proofreading, most probably performed twice, since EE, which was based thereon, included some but not all changes introduced in FE1.

The changes included in EE – first stage of proofreading – cover, above all, the cautionary naturals added before g1 in b. 15 and 39, e1 in b. 49, c2 and g1 in b. 53-54g and g1 in b. 78. In addition, a tie of  was added in b. 21-22. All the above additions could have been performed by the reviser.

The following changes were certainly or highly likely introduced in the second stage of proofreading:

  • the  hairpin in b. 11-12 and 67-68 was added,
  • pedalling in b. 11-12 and analog. was added,
  • the slurs in b. 27-2955-57, 59-60 were changed,
  • the cautionary  before g1 in b. 71 was added.

Not all mistakes of A1 were corrected, e.g. the missing  in b. 45 was not added.

New mistakes were also committed, e.g.:

  • the arpeggio in b. 4 and the L.H. slur in b. 54 were overlooked,
  • the ties of c1 in b. 8-9 and of in b. 76-77 were distorted,

Some erroneous changes resulted from the misunderstanding of the notation of A1, e.g. the vertical little slur in b. 12 and analog., marking the arpeggio, was reproduced as a tie of the grace note.

In mUltimate Chopin, we present a copy from the collection of Chopin's sister, Ludwika Jędrzejewicz (the copy does not bear handwritten annotations).

Original in: Fryderyk Chopin Museum, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: M/176