Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 83-102

composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor

No markings in A

Two-bar pedalling in FC (→GE)

One-bar pedalling in FE (→EE)


In the main text we give the pedalling added by Chopin in FC (→GE). In that manuscript Chopin copies one pedal encompassing two bars wherever a pair of bars is based on the same chord: b. 81-82, 83-84, 85-86, 91-92, 93-94, 97-98, 99-100 & 101-102. Another pedalling, most probably also authentic, was added in FE (→EE), in which one pedal encompassing two bars is indicated only in b. 81-82 & 97-98 (the remaining ones are provided with a whole-bar pedal). In spite of the fact that the second pedalling is almost certainly later, in the main text we give the pedalling of FC, since the corrections visible therein (deletions of markings at the end of b. 81 and 91) prove that the composer considered it to be better. Naturally, it cannot be ruled out that while adding pedalling marks in FE Chopin consciously returned to the original concept; however, according to us, it is more likely that it was a result of lack of adequate concentration, e.g. due to haste.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Authentic corrections of FE , Authentic corrections of FC

b. 83-86

composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor

No signs in A (→FEEE)

    in FC

  in GE


In the main text we give a pair of   hairpins written by Chopin in FC. In GE the latter was arbitrarily extended so that it starts from the beginning of b. 85.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in GE , Authentic corrections of FC

b. 84-85

composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor


In A there is a visible deletion of the tie of d3 in these bars. Therefore, the starting point was a literal repetition (a fifth higher) of the beginning of this theme (b. 65-72) in b. 81-88. After the correction, in the third segment of this progression Chopin introduced a third melodic variant of its pattern. At the same time, he restored the strike in the 5th bar of the eight-bar section, in b. 69 and 77 implemented by the bottom voice of the R.H.

category imprint: Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Corrections in A , Main-line changes

b. 87-88

composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor

Slurs in A (→FCGE1, →FEEE) and GE3

Slur in GE2


In the main text we give the slurring written by Chopin in A (→FCGE1, →FEEE). The continuous slur in GE2 results from the comparison with the authentic slurring in analogous bars 219-220 and 670-671. In the editors' such a uniformity is not justified in this context.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions

b. 89-94

composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor

No sign in A (→FEEE)

in #CF (→GE)


In the main text we give a  hairpin added by Chopin in FC (→GE). In this phrase the manuscript bears traces of corrections performed by Chopin, who, initially, wrote three subsequent  marks in b. 87-90, 91-92 & 93-94, which he then deleted. The second half of the first of those marks (written on the top stave in b. 89-90) was not deleted, yet there is no doubt that the six-bar long  written below expresses the composer's later intention.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Authentic corrections of FC , Alterations in CF