EE3 - Revised impression of EE2

Publisher: Wessel & Co
Date: ca 1856-60
Plate number: (W & Co. No. 1791)
Title: Bolero
Dedication: Emilie de Flahault

A later impression of EE2, in which the dedication was restored. It contains a number of arbitrary changes.

The copy presented in mUltimate Chopin originates already from the impression endorsed by Wessel's successors, the Ashdown & Parry company (ca. 1868*). The changes with respect to Wessel's original impression (which the editors of mUltimate Chopin did not encounter) concerned most probably the details of the cover only – above all, the name of the company was updated.

* After: John Rink, Christophe Grabowski, Annotated Catalogue of Chopin's First Editions.

Original in: Ewa & Jeremiusz Glensk Collection, Poznań
Shelf-mark: EJG 6804a/18