Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 88

composition: Op. 64 No 2, Waltz in C♯ minor

 in A (→FEEEC)

 in GE1op & GE1no2 (→GE2no2)

No sign in EEW1 (→EEW2)

 in GE2op (→GE3op)


The  hairpin, in A and in the majority of the editions placed under the three-note progression of the bass, was moved to between the staves in GE2op (→GE3op). In this case, this quite frequently used revision completely changed the meaning of the sign. In the remaining GE, the sign was reproduced in the correct place, however, it starts already under the 1st crotchet in the bar. The absence of the sign in EEis undoubtedly an oversight.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in GE , Placement of markings , Scope of dynamic hairpins , Errors in EE , GE revisions

b. 88

composition: Op. 64 No 2, Waltz in C♯ minor



In AI, the bar is identical to bar 72, although As already includes the final version (without the little slur before the group of grace notes). It can indicate Chopin's hesitation, yet it cannot be excluded that resignation from differentiating between the version of both bars is an element of striving for simplicity due to the piano skills of Baroness de Rothschild, who was the addressee of the manuscript. Cf. bar 84.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Chopin's hesitations

b. 89

composition: Op. 64 No 2, Waltz in C♯ minor



Both in As and AI Chopin diversified this bar with respect to the version of bar 73 (differently in each of them). In A (→FEGE,EE), bars 73 and 89 are identical, which, in the face of differences in the previous bars, does not create an impression of homogeneity at all. In turn, the version introduces a clear division between the phrases, absent in the earlier versions.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Main-line changes

b. 89-92

composition: Op. 64 No 2, Waltz in C♯ minor

  in A (→FEEEC,GE1op,GE1no2GE2no2)

  in EEW1 (→EEW2)

  in GE2opGE3op)


In the majority of the editions, the range of hairpin in these bars was reproduced exactly after A (→FE). The only exceptions are EEW1 (→EEW2), in which the  begins only in bar 90, and GE2op (→GE3op), in which the entire sign was moved a crotchet earlier; moreover, the next dynamic hairpin, in bars 91-92, was shortened.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions , EE inaccuracies

b. 90

composition: Op. 64 No 2, Waltz in C♯ minor

Dotted rhythm in As & A (→FEGE,EE)

Crotchets in AI


The variant version of AI may prove Chopin's hesitation, as long as the dotted rhythm in As was not added later than AI was developed.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Chopin's hesitations , Dotted or even rhythm