FES - Stirling copy
Main text
GC - Gutmann's Copy
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FE2 - Corrected reprint of FE1
FED - Dubois copy
FEJ - Jędrzejewicz copy
FES - Stirling copy
GE - German edition
GE1 - First German edition
GE1a - Another copy of #GE1
GE2 - Second German edition
GE3 - Revised impression of GE2
EE - English edition
EE1 - First English edition
EE2 - Corrected reprint of EE1
EE3 - Revised impression of EE2
  b. 22-24

Simplified version in FEJ (contextual interpretation)

Simplification with fingering in FES (interpretation)

No teaching simplifications

In FES and FEJ the runs of the L.H. were reduced to four last notes, which were entrusted with the value of a semiquaver. It is undoubtedly a facilitation aiming at possibilitating an amateur performance of the Etude to the technically less advanced pianists. As in both places FES includes Chopin fingering, concerning the original, full version of these passages, we consider the introduced facilitations as the ossia più facile versions and we include them in the form of variants of the basic text of these sources.

The notation of FEJ is of a more draft nature, transferring only the general idea of this facilitation. It is probably the reason of leaving the a1 note in the last chord in the R.H. in bar 24, which is gauche from the piano and sound point of view.

Compare the passage in the sources »

See b. 22
See b. 24

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Annotations in teaching copies, Annotations in FES, Authentic post-publication changes and variants, Annotations in FEJ

notation: Pitch

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