Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other


b. 234

composition: Op. 49, Fantaisie in F minor

Rhythm with semiquaver in A (→GE) & EE2

Rhythm with quaver in FE (→EE1)


As in analogous bar 154, the FE rhythm (→EE) conveys the initial version. In the main text we give the rhythm as corrected by Chopin in A (→GE), after [FC] (→FE) had been finished. In the discussed bar Chopin did not finish the correction – he overlooked the second pair of augmentation dots to the crotchet L.H. octave. This is – next to the graphic details of the autograph's notation described the first time – further proof that a change was being introduced into A.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: EE revisions , Corrections in A , GE revisions , Rhythmic errors , Inaccuracies in A

b. 244

composition: Op. 49, Fantaisie in F minor

Dotted rhythm, semiquaver over L.H. quaver in A

Quavers in FE (→EE)

Dotted rhythm, semiquaverafter L.H. quaver in GE


The FE rhythm (→EE) must be a mistake, probably committed by the copyist in [FC]. Moving the semiquaver beyond the 3rd quaver in the L.H. triplet was an arbitrary decision by the engraver of GE – see bars 77-82 and 245-249.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in FE , GE revisions , Dotted rhythms and triplets , Dotted or even rhythm

b. 245-249

composition: Op. 49, Fantaisie in F minor

Semiquaver under last triplet quaver in A & FE (→EE)

Semiquaver after last triplet quaver in GE


At the end of bar 245, 247 and 249, as in bars 78-82 and 165-169, the GE notation is an arbitrary revision of this edition, contrary to the A notation and the resulting performance. It is noteworthy that in the third appearance of this theme Chopin wrote down the rhythm of the bottom voice three times differently than before, although the performance, indicated by the alignment of notes in both voices, is undoubtedly the same.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions , Dotted rhythms and triplets

b. 245-249

composition: Op. 49, Fantaisie in F minor

Semiquaver over L.H. quaver in A & FE

Semiquaver after L.H. quaver in GE & EE


As in bars 77-82, moving the semiquavers in bar 245 and 248-249 beyond the 3rd quaver of a respective L.H. triplet was an arbitrary decision by the revisers of GE and EE.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , GE revisions , Dotted rhythms and triplets

b. 313

composition: Op. 49, Fantaisie in F minor


In A both L.H. chords were written twice. The initial entry was crossed out so thoroughly that it is only the shape and size of the blot that could allow us to assume that the topmost note was a d1, while the entire chord could have looked like as follows: d-e-g-d1. In the 2nd half of the bar Chopin initially wrote a d1-e1-g1-b1 chord (as a crotchet) and a crotchet rest.

category imprint: Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Corrections in A , Deletions in A , Accompaniment changes