b. 619
composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I
Taking into account the fact that similar figures of accompaniment are provided with slurs in the entire section, the absence of slurs in the last two bars must be considered an inaccuracy. A slur in bar 619 was added already in EE. category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions issues: EE revisions |
b. 619-620
composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I
In the main text, we adopt the enhanced notation, used in GE and EE. The notation of FE is probably earlier, since in the vast majority of similar bars it was changed by Chopin to the latter. category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions issues: EE revisions , GE revisions , Omitted correction of an analogous place |
b. 620
composition: Op. 39, Scherzo in C♯ minor
The GC slur extends over to the rest on the second beat of the bar. This was characteristic of a freestyle writing of slurs by Gutmann (and also quite often by Chopin). category imprint: Source & stylistic information issues: Inaccuracies in GC |
b. 620
composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I
The missing accidental before the 4th semiquaver in FE (→GE1→GE2) must be an oversight – in such figures, enveloping the initial note like a grupetto (very frequent in Chopin's output), two bottommost notes constitute an interval of a minor or major second, but not augmented. We add a category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions issues: EE revisions , Errors in FE , GE revisions |
b. 620
composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I
In FE, it is unclear whether the last note of the bottom voice should be encompassed with the slur or not. In the main text, we lead the slur to the penultimate note in the belief that Chopin used here portato articulation, which he marked with dots under a slur. In EE, the slur encompasses the entire group of 9 notes, which can be considered a variant, since such an interpretation is equally likely. The missing slur in GE and the con forza indication in FE, placed too low, which impeded drawing the slur, suggests that the slur was added in the last phase of proofreading of FE. category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources |