Issues : Abbreviated notation of A

b. 168

composition: Op. 35, Sonata in B♭ minor, Mvt II


In GC the bar is written in an abbreviated manner as repetition of the previous one. At the same time, one can see that initially the bar was completely overlooked, whereas a relevant abbreviation was written as an addition. It cannot be excluded that the mistake (or unclear notation) was also in [A]. If so, Chopin had to write a respective addition also there, as FE contains the correct number of bars.

category imprint: Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Errors of A , Abbreviated notation of A , Authentic corrections in GC

b. 170

composition: Op. 35, Sonata in B♭ minor, Mvt II


In GC the part of the L.H. is in this bar marked in an abbreviated manner as repetition of the figure in the previous bar.

category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: Abbreviated notation of A

b. 178-184

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt III


In the part of the L.H., these bars are written in A in an abbreviated manner as repetitions of bar 177. The abbreviations were elaborated in GE (→FEEE). 

category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: Abbreviated notation of A

b. 180

composition: Op. 43, Tarantella


In A the second beat of the LH in b. 180 is not written out. What appears in this place is beat repetition mark.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Source & stylistic information

issues: Abbreviated notation of A

b. 189-193

composition: Op. 35, Sonata in B♭ minor, Mvt II


In GC the majority of the recapitulation (bars 190-257) is written in an abbreviated manner as empty, numerated bars (the numbers correspond with the numbers of bars 2-69 of the first section of Scherzo). In bar 189 the notes are written, yet without any performance indications (except for tempo primo), which was probably supposed to be only an additional indication, from which bar one is to begin repeating the full notation. In spite of this, GE printed in this bar only this version, devoid of articulation signs (cf. the note on them).

category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: Abbreviated notation of A