GC - Gutmann's Copy

Date: X 1839-IV 1840
Title: Sonate || Scherzo
Dedication: None

Copy of [A] intended for baste text for the first German edition, performed by one of Chopin's favourite pupils, Adolf Gutmann. GC was reviewed and corrected by Chopin, who probably corrected minor inaccuracies of notation in a few places, e.g., in the notation of accidentals or slurring; he also introduced certain changes into the text of the Sonata, e.g. (in this movement):

  • he most probably added a  in the upbeat;
  • he changes a to g in the middle chords in the L.H. in bars 118-120.

Identifying Chopin as the one who performed corrections is often difficult or even impossible – many corrections out of these visible in GC are rather a result of the copyist's checking his own work, e.g., corrections of erroneous notes in bars 12-13, 27-29, 163 and 165.

In a few places GC conveys the original versions, changed later in the proofreadings of FE or in the base text to EE, e.g.:

  • e on the 3rd beat in bar 37 and 225;
  • no cresc. in bars 45-49;
  • no slurs in bars 50-54;
  • no slur in bars 78-80;
  • repeated chords in bars 274-276.

In spite of Chopin's correction, GC is not free from mistakes and inaccuracies:

  • numerous missing accidentals, in the vast majority without any impact on the interpretation of the text and most probably repeated after [A], e.g., in bar 424, 25 or 29-30, as well as 95 and 111-113;
  • no dynamic signs and accents in bars 7-12;
  • a too short slur in bars 61-65;
  • pedalling in bars 74-75 and 76;
  • no tie sustaining E in bars 79-80;
  • f1 instead of d1 in bar 115;
  • repeated after [A] erroneous notes in bar 130 and 131;
  • no  restoring d1 at the end of bar 143 and 183 (possible mistake of [A]);
  • no dots extending the minims in bar 145;
  • erroneous  before the 1st chord in bar 182 (mistake repeated after [A]);
  • too early written  sign in bar 259;
  • overlooked g2 at the end of bar 264.

Probably the most serious, non-corrected mistake of the copyist is the top bottom note of the final chord in the R.H., g instead of b.

Two types of inaccuracies, characteristic for Gutmann, are worth mentioning:

  • imprecise notation of note heads, e.g.,  g1 in bar 111 or G in bar 184;
  • careless slurs, e.g., in bars 127-130, 140-141, 158-159, 177-183.
Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: Mus. 222 Cim.