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b. 15

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version

3rd note b in AsI

3rd note g in A


As in bar 11, in AsI the 3rd note of each hemidemisemiquaver group is b, which is an earlier version of this place.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes

b. 15

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version


In this bar AsI contains 2 unjustified cautionary accidentals: a   to the R.H. b1 note at the beginning of the bar and a  to e2 in the 4th R.H. figure.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Cautionary accidentals

b. 16

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version


Both manuscripts are missing a few necessary accidentals in this bar – a  to g2 and naturals to g2, d1 and g1. In addition, in AsI the  to d2 is missing. On the other hand, in A there is an unjustified  to c1 in the last L.H. figure. The latter and both accidentals written in A to the topmost R.H. notes are placed much lower than the noteheads they concern.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources; Source & stylistic information

issues: Accidentals in different octaves , Cautionary accidentals , Omission of current key accidentals , Accidental below/above the note , Inaccuracies in A

b. 16

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version


In AsI one can see that initially the first 2 notes of the L.H. passage on the 2nd quaver were G-g. It could have been a quickly abandoned initial concept (there is no similar change in the next passage) or a result of the composer's momentary distraction.

category imprint: Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Corrections of AI

b. 17-23

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version

Arpeggios from f1 in AsI, basic version

Arpeggios from b1, c2, d2b1 in AsI, later version, contextual interpretation

Arpeggios from b1, c2, d2b1 in A


As in bars 1 and 5, in AsI Chopin generally wrote 2 versions of this bar. The earlier one, which we consider the text of this source, is written in normal-sized font, whereas the later one was added in small notes. It is noteworthy that, unlike at the beginning of the variation, in this case the second version encompasses the entire bar, and in the R.H. part it is the same as the final A version. On the other hand, in the L.H. part, in the added 2nd hemidemisemiquaver group, the 2nd note is c1, and not a, which we see in A. A more detailed analysis of notation in this place reveals that the finally adopted a was most probably also added to AsI, next to c1, which is more distinct.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Accompaniment changes , Corrections of AI