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b. 11

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version


AsI includes a few unjustified cautionary accidentals in this bar: a  to the R.H. b1 note at the beginning of the bar, a  to e1 in the 2nd and 4th L.H. hemidemisemiquaver groups and a  to e2 in the 2nd R.H. group.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Cautionary accidentals

b. 11

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version

g3 in AsI

b3 in A


The g3 note featured in AsI is compliant with g3 in bar 15, which is a counterpart of bar 11 in the repetition of this four-bar phrase. The idea of diversifying the melodic line here (introduced in A) was then also used in the final version of this variation.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Main-line changes

b. 12

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version

Divergent arpeggio in AsI

Convergent arpeggio in A


In AsI Chopin continues the principal scheme of contrary motion passages one quaver longer. In A version, Chopin made the arrangement of the figures in this bar look like in bar 8.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes , Main-line changes

b. 12

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version

Arpeggios from G to g & from d3 to b1 in AsI, basic version

Arpeggios from F to d1 & from d3 to f1 in A


The principal AsI version (normal-sized notes, on main staves) clearly deviates in terms of interval structure and hand position from the otherwise prevailing figuration scheme. This could have been the reason for the addition of an alternative version, which became the mandatory model already in the stage of writing A. See also bar 13.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes , Main-line changes

b. 13

composition: Op. 2, Variation IV, primitive version

Arpeggios from a & c2 in AsI

Arpeggios from f1 & a1 in A


In AsI the version of the 1st figure in the bar is adjusted to the principal version of the ending of the previous bar. Although Chopin added the later, final version of the last figure in the ending of bar 12 already to AsI, he did not change anything in this case. Therefore, it allows us to link both versions of the ending of bar 12 to the AsI version of the discussed beginning of bar 13. According to us, the incompatible arrangement of the broken chords (particularly in the L.H.) rather excludes the possibility of combining the initial version of bar 12 with the new version of bar 13.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes , Bass register changes