There are no doubts that the accompanying quaver figures should be performed legato – they are typical figures where a pendular figure is developed after the bass note, constituting harmonic filling. Although the placement does not denote it directly, the legato indication in bar 222 most probably refers to the L.H. and applies in the entire over 50-bar-long fragment (bars 222-274). Since the majority of the bars is provided with slurs, the missing ones must be considered an inaccuracy, probably originating in the fragmentary slurring of [A]. In the majority of the cases, one can easily indicate analogous bars, in the exposition or recapitulation, provided with authentic slurs, which serve as models for our additions. The missing slurs in the discussed bars may be a result of the layout used by Chopin, where the topmost notes in the L.H. are written on the top stave. If, e.g. the slurs in [A] had been written between the parts of both hands, it would have been impossible to recreate this in print. In the main text, we add slurs on the basis of comparison with the analogous bars of the recapitulation (bars 574-576). Such an addition was introduced already in GE3.
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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions
issues: GE revisions
notation: Slurs