b. 33

A wedge in A

A dot in GE

No sign in FE (→EE)

The trace visible in FE in the place where one could expect a staccato dot (on the basis of GE serving as the base text) may mean that the dot was deleted in proofing. This, however, offers us no certainty as to whether Chopin actually intended to delete the staccato sign from over the discussed sixth, as:

  • the trace may be due to a printing failure not connected with deleting the dot;
  • almost everywhere throughout the Nocturne ​Chopin consistently marked the endings of such short ascending motifs with wedges.

In such as situation, we consider it a better solution to leave the wedge written in Chopin's hand in A.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in FE

notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins

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