b. 12

The mark indicating precisely the moment of striking the grace note in FED

No teaching indication provided

In teaching copies belonging to Camille O'Méara-Dubois such marks appear in various Chopin's works several dozen times (cf. e.g. bar 33 and 36 of this Nocturne, and also bars 58 and 74 of the Impromptu in A flat Op. 29). A general rule that follows from all those indications is that some grace notes absolutely have to be performed simultaneously with the relevant note of the left hand, i.e.:

  • when the upper grace note forms an interval greater than a second with the main note (bar 33 of the Nocturne)
  • when grace notes, single or multiple, have the nature of the arpeggio, i.e consist of notes forming or suspending the current harmonic filling (the remaining examples listed above).

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Annotations in teaching copies, Annotations in FED, Synchronization markings

notation: Rhythm

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