GE2 - Second German edition

Publisher: Fr. Kistner
Date: 1841⇒
Title: Douze Grandes Etudes || No. 8
Dedication: SON AMI F. LISZT

Second German edition, in which the text of GE1 was subject to a quite detailed review:

  • a part of mistakes was corrected, e.g., necessary accidentals were added (e.g., a  of e2 in bar 38,  of c2 in bar 40, as well as unobvious ones, such as a  before c2 in bar 60 and a  before e3 in bar 80), inaccuracies were corrected, e.g., in the slurring in bars 20, 34 (wrongly), a  mark in bars 34 and 71 and slurs in the L.H. in bars 51 and 56 were added; 
  • cautionary accidentals were revised, e.g., added  before b and b3 in bar 14, as well as b1 in bar 48;
  • added – most probably wrongly –  before e1 in bar 76 and e2 in bar 80;
  • some changes ordering the text were introduced, sometimes wrongly, e.g., change of the A-d semibreves to minims in bar 48.

Own inaccuracies were not avoided, e.g., some of the staccato dots in bars 29 and 31, as well as in bars 39-40 were omitted.

Original in: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute Library, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: 1932/n