b. 155-165

In these bars FE omitted 9 naturals raising e to e, in different octaves, in obvious situations:

  • in bar 155: both naturals – to e2 (added in GE and EE) and to e1 (added in GE),
  • in bar 157 to e3 (added in GE and EE),
  • in bar 160 to e and e1 in the L.H. (the former was added in GE),
  • in bar 162 to e in the L.H. (added in EE and GE2),
  • in bar 163 to e2 (added in GE),
  • in bar 165 to e2 and e1 (the former added in GE and EE).

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions, Errors in FE, GE revisions, Omission of current key accidentals, Last key signature sign, Errors repeated in GE, Errors repeated in EE

notation: Pitch

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