Issues : Inaccuracies in FC

b. 58

composition: Op. 25 No 6, Etude in G♯ minor


Lack of the  returning d2 is a typical inaccuracy of Chopin notation. The sign was added only in GE2 (→GE3).

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in GE , Inaccuracies in FE , Omissions to cancel alteration , GE revisions , EE inaccuracies , Inaccuracies in FC

b. 58

composition: Op. 28 No. 24, Prelude in D minor

Slur from 2nd quaver in A (→FEEE)

Slur in FC (→GE)


As with the previous bars, Fontana moved the slur – contrary to A – towards the beginning of the bar, as a result of which it encompasses this very bar, which was picked up by GE. In this case, it is difficult to conclude whether it was an inaccuracy or a misinterpretation of the slur of A.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in FC

b. 59-61

composition: Op. 28 No. 24, Prelude in D minor

cresc. - -stretto in A, literal reading

cresc. - -stretto in FC

cresc.stretto in FE (→EE)

cresc. - - , stretto in GE

cresc. - -stretto in A, context­ual interpretation


In A certain verbal indications seem to be inaccurately written here: dashes marking the range of cresc. not reaching the  mark, the stretto indication beginning in the middle of the semiquaver septuplet in spite of it concerning the quaver phrase in b. 61-63 or the culminant  mark placed over the R.H. part, although it almost certainly applies to both hands. Taking into account the above, in the main text we suggest a compromise contextual interpretation of the notation of A. The other variants we consider fully legitimate are: the notation of A (interpreted literally), the version of FC (which can be considered an accurate interpretation of A) and the text of GE (with reservations). The inauthentic changes and inaccuracies in FE (→EE) distort Chopin's intention to a certain extent.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Errors in FE , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions , FE revisions , Inaccuracies in FC

b. 62-63

composition: Op. 28 No. 19, Prelude in E♭ major

3 crotchets in A

2 crotchets in FC

No crotchets in FE (→EE) & GE


The crotchet stems, separating the sequence of the middle L.H. voice in A, were not reproduced correctly in any of the remaining sources. In the main text we give the notation of A.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in FE , Errors in GE , Inaccuracies in FC

b. 62

composition: Op. 30 No. 2, Mazurka in B minor

after 3rd beat in FC (→GE)

before 3rd beat in FE (→EE)


As in bar 30, in the main text we give the pedal marks of FE (→EE), since in this Mazurka Fontana did not pay enough attention to the placement of  marks.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in FC