Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 3

composition: Op. 28 No. 16, Prelude in B♭ minor

Fingering digit in FESch

No teaching fingering


In the main text we include the fingering entered into FESch, which could be coming from Chopin. Similar situations are in b. 6-7, 10, 12 and 15.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , Annotations in FESch

b. 3

composition: Op. 28 No. 16, Prelude in B♭ minor


In A the  and the  before the 9th and the 11th semiquavers in the bar are placed clearly lower than the notes they concern – more or less at the level of the 2nd ledger line. There is a similar situation in b. 19, although less distinct. Such a notation is often to be found in Chopinesque autographs, cf., e.g. the Etude in F Major, Op. 10 No. 8, b. 79.

category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: Accidental below/above the note

b. 3-4

composition: Op. 28 No. 16, Prelude in B♭ minor


In A one can see that three accidentals were crossed out; it seems that Chopin wrote them "just in case." Afterwards, it turned out that they were superfluous – the  before the penultimate note in b. 3 and the flats before d3 and g2 in b. 4. (We give the  before a3 in our transcriptions due to the division of the bar between the lines.) 

category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: Cautionary accidentals , Deletions in A

b. 3-15

composition: Op. 28 No. 10, Prelude in C♯ minor

Short accents in A, literal reading (→FCGE, →FEEE)

Long accents, our alternative suggestion

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Long accents

b. 3

composition: Op. 28 No. 18, Prelude in F minor


We add cautionary flats before the penultimate semiquaver d1(2). The accidental in the R.H. part was already added in EE, however, in EE1 it is a mistaken , corrected into  only in EE2.

A flat is also visible there (in the R.H.) in FC. It is a later annotation, absent from GE.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions , Errors in EE