CDP - Copy for Delfina Potocka

Date: (X 1836 – X 1837)
Title: Etude
Dedication: None

Possible time frame of creation of CDP may be determined in the following way:

  • the version of the Etude written in the copy is later than that included in AI, created in September 1836;
  • on the other hand, it seems to be highly unlikely that the performance of the copy of a non-final edition of the piece was performed after its publication, i.e. after October 1837.

What is striking in the notation of the Etude – starting from 20 – is the change of the handwriting and type of ink. It proves that the manuscript was written by two persons.

It is not obvious which was the base text to CDP. The pitch and rhythmic text is closest to the version of A, yet considering the entire notation, one can state a number of significant differences:

  • total lack of performance indications in bars 1-19; actually, the indications appear in the next bars, yet its number is much smaller, e.g., the pedalling is written only in one line, including the second half of bar 22 and bars 23-24;
  • total lack of differentiating between big (normal) and small notes;
  • very frequent use of abbreviated notation of repeating figures. Contrary to both autographs (not to mention the editions), the •/• signs appear already from the first bar, also in the part of the R.H. Some of them, e.g., the abbreviations in the L.H. in bars 1-2, interpreted literally, lead to a clearly erroneous version.

In spite of that, we consider that the origin for this copy was A before the introduction of final corrections (see below). The creation of all the aforementioned differences may be explained with haste of the copyists, who wanted to write the most important elements as fast as possible (it concerns particularly the first copyist).

The differences between A and CDP in terms of the pitch and rhythmic text include:

  • earlier, then corrected in A versions, e.g., in bars 22-23, 24;
  • the copyist's errors, e.g., in bars 23-24 or in bar 40.
Original in: Muzeum Narodowe, Cracow
Shelf-mark: M.N. 73152