GE3 - Third German edition

Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Date: 1863-1864
Plate number: 5707
Title: Polonaisen | Polonaise II
Dedication: son ami J. Dessauer

GE3 corrected the majority of defects of GE2, e.g. the wrong note of the grupetto in bar 10 was corrected. Moreover, a few other cautionary accidentals were added, not always justified (e.g., a  at the beginning of bar 18), some of the superfluous signs were also removed (e.g., the  before a at the end of bar 30).

In GE3 each of the Polonaises was offered also separately, in the form of separate books. There are copies differing in the details of the cover.

Original in: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien
Shelf-mark: S.H. Chopin 109