Main text
FC - Fontana's copy
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FED - Dubois copy
FES - Stirling copy
GE - German edition
GE1 - First German edition
GE2 - Revised impression of GE1
EE - English edition
EE1 - First English edition
  b. 2-12

2 staccato dots in b. 10 in FC (→GE1)

22 dots in FE (→EE)

24 dots in GE2

The staccato dots in bars 2-4 and 10-12 were most probably added by Chopin in the stage of proofreading FE (→EE); other possibilities are them having been entered by Chopin into [A] after FC had already been finished, or them having been overlooked by Fontana, or a combination of two or even three of these factors. The absence of marks for the R.H. in bar 2 in FE (→EE) must be considered Chopin's inadvertence or a mistake by the engraver of FE. In the main text we include the dots of FE together with the two overlooked ones in bar 2. This version is also in GE2, perhaps on the basis of FE.
See also bars 38-48.

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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Authentic corrections of FE

notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins

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Original in: Royal Academy of Music, Londyn