Main text
AsI - Working autograph of score
A - Autograph fair copy
GE - German edition
GE1 - First German edition
GE2 - Corrected impression of GE1
GE3 - Second German edition
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FE2 - Corrected impression of FE1
FESB - Later French edition
EE - English edition
EE1 - First English edition
EE2 - Corrected impression of EE1
EE3 - Revised impression of EE2
  b. 127

4-note chords in AsI

Octaves after A (→GEFE,EE,FESB)

The full B major chord on the 1st L.H. quaver present in AsI was replaced by Chopin with an octave in both volte (in the final version Chopin abandoned the repetition of b. 112-127, but in A the 1st volta encompassing b. 127 is written out and deleted in such a way that it can be deciphered).

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category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Accompaniment changes

notation: Pitch

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Original in: Pierpont Morgan Library, Nowy Jork