According to us, the slur in A (→GE→FE,EE) is an element of an earlier version of this place left by inattention or simply a mistake. This is supported by the following arguments:
- problematic meaning of this slur, placed under the staccato dots – Chopin would often use dots under a slur to mark softly separated portato articulation, e.g. in bars 16, 32, at the end of bars 62 and 63 or in bars 259, 264 and 268; however, they are always between the notes and the slur. The notation used in this case rather points to the intention of replacing the slur with dots;
- an individual nature of this slur – none of the three similar places (bars 346, 356 and 360) contain a slur;
- the absence of a slur in AsI, although Chopin entered a number of various performance markings into this four-bar section, including a few in this bar (a R.H. slur, L.H. staccato, dynamic hairpins).
Due to these reasons, in the main text we omit this slur.
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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions
issues: Corrections in A, Errors resulting from corrections
notation: Slurs