Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 96-101

composition: Op. 63 No. 1, Mazurka in B major

dim. - - - in AI

No indication in FE (→GE,EE)

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

b. 99-100

composition: Op. 63 No. 1, Mazurka in B major

No markings in AI

   in FE (→GE,EE)


The absence of pedal markings in AI does not have to mean that this fragment should be performed without pedal – it is likely that Chopin wrote the markings (here and in the final bars) in the published version due to the new version of the ending (bars 101-102), in which combining the sound of all the played notes without pedal is impossible.

category imprint: Differences between sources

b. 102

composition: Op. 63 No. 1, Mazurka in B major

   in FE (→EE)

Only  in GE


As 2 bars before, Chopin did not mark the pedalling in AI, which does not have to mean that he did not want the pedal to be used. The absence of  in GE probably resulted from an oversight.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in GE , No pedal release mark

b. 102

composition: Op. 63 No. 1, Mazurka in B major

No dots in AI

L.H. staccato in FE (→GE1,EE)

Staccato in both hands in GE2 (→GE3)

Staccato in both hands suggested by the editors


In the final version of the ending of the Mazurka, Chopin marked the L.H. fifths with staccato dots. However, there are no doubts that it is also the R.H. crotchets that are supposed to be performed in this way, hence the absence of dots for the R.H. chords is either a result of carelessness of the engraver of FE1 or an oversight by Chopin. In the main text we add dots; a respective addition was also introduced in GE2 (→GE3).
If the initial version of the ending is chosen, the variant with dots shall not apply.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: GE revisions

b. 102

composition: Op. 63 No. 1, Mazurka in B major

Earlier version in AI

Later version in FE (→GE,EE)


The energetic and spectacular ending of the Mazurka was created only just in the stage of writing [A]. In the initial version, the last two bars were actually a repetition of the two preceding ones, probably supposed to be more distant and calmer.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Main-line changes