The missing tie to c1 to b. 324 in FE (→EE) seems to be an oversight (by the copyist in [FC] or by the engraver); however, a deletion/omission of the tie in the Stichvorlage to FE cannot be ruled out (it is unlikely that it could have been performed in the stage of proofreading, since there are no visible traces of removal of the tie). In this situation, it is difficult to safely say whether and which version corresponds to Chopin's final intention. The R.H. slur could be an argument for the version with a tie – in such a situation, the slur reaches the last played top voice note, thus encompassing an entire phrase, whereas in the version of FE c1 in b. 324, which ends the phrase, is not encompassed with that slur.
category imprint: Differences between sources
notation: Rhythm
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