Main text
A - Autograph
FC - Fontana's copy
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FE2 - Corrected impression of FE1
FED - Dubois copy
FEJ - Jędrzejewicz Copy
FES - Stirling copy
FESch - Scherbatoff copy
GE - German edition
GE1 - First German edition
GE2 - Revised impression of GE1
GE3 - Corrected impression of GE2
EE - English edition
EE1 - First English edition
EE1a - Corrected impression of EE1
EE2 - Revised impression of EE1a
  b. 46

 under grace note in A, contextual interpretation

under chord in FC (→GE) & FE (→EE)

The  mark in A occupies an uncommonly large space – from the octave at the end of b. 45 to the crotchet rest in b. 46. The pianistic sense – increasing the span of the final chord – requires that the  mark be placed under the grace note, which, however, was not performed in any of the remaining sources. In a similar situation in the ending of the Prelude No. 5 in D Major, Chopin wrote  clearly under the grace note.

Compare the passage in the sources »

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in FE, Inaccuracies in FC, Inaccuracies in A

notation: Pedalling

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Original in: Jan Ekier private collection, Warsaw