The version of bars 3-6 and 12-15 preserved in FCI (without rests in the R.H. part) is earlier, which is proven by the corrections visible in A in b. 3:
- the dotted d1 crotchet at the beginning of the bar replaced the crossed-out minim,
- initially, the stem of the final c2-e2 third was pointing upwards, just like in FCI (the stems in the next bar in FCI are also pointing upwards; we do not reproduce it in our transcriptions, since it does not influence the meaning of notation). Chopin crossed it out and wrote once again with a stem pointing downwards (he also changed its rhythmic value from a quaver to a semiquaver – cf. b. 9 – which probably reveals the existence of a still earlier version than the one preserved in FCI.
The rests of the final version make the theme more distinct in terms of articulation, which was also reflected in the slurring – see b. 12.
A change of notation going in a similar direction can also be found in b. 11.
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category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations
issues: Corrections in A, Deletions in A, Main-line changes
notation: Rhythm