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b. 57-61

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

4 slurs over tuplets in A1, CJ, CK & EL

4 slurs to g1 in CB


The slurs having been led as far as to the g1 minims (in b. 60-61 to the semibreve) is an arbitrary action of CB – in the remaining sources the slurs encompass only the irregular groups in the 2nd halves of b. 57-60, often without one or more outermost notes in the manuscripts.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Balakirev's revisions

b. 57-61

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione


There is no doubt that the slurs in A1, CJ, CK and EL are supposed to encompass the irregular group of small notes, filling the 2nd half of each of these bars. However, it was not written accurately enough in the manuscripts, as a result of which it is only some of the slurs that actually span from the first to the last note (b. 59 in A1 and 57 in CJ and CK). The remaining ones are shorter, sometimes only one note shorter, but in the extreme case – b. 58 in CJ – the slur encompasses only 12 out of 35 semiquavers. We reproduce these inaccuracies only in the graphic transcriptions of the particular sources.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccurate slurs in A , Inaccuracies in JC , Inaccuracies in CK

b. 58

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

Slur in A1, literal reading

No slur in CJ, CK & EL

Slur in A1 (contextual interpretation) & CB


The mark visible in A1 over the 2nd and 3rd quavers in the 2nd half of the bar is probably a slur. At the same time, it seems likely that, taking into account the partially draft nature of A1, it is supposed to mark a half-bar slur, which would be natural in this context (cf. b. 22). This figure, just like all the similar ones, is encompassed with a half-bar slur also in CB. In the main text we do not give this slur, omitted by Chopin in [A2] (→CJ,CK).

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccurate slurs in A

b. 63

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

No slurs in A1, CK & EL

Slurs in CJ

Slurs in CB


The missing slurs in CK may be explained by the copyist's distraction at the end of the work – he also overlooked the  mark. The longer slurs of both hands were added by Balakirev, just like the vast majority of the remaining slurs of CB.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in CK