Main text
A1 - Working autograph
CJ - Jędrzejewicz Copy
CK - Kolberg Copy
CB - Balakirev Copy
EL - First edition
  b. 49-50

No slurs in A1 & EL

Slur in bar 49 in CJ & CK

Slur in bars 49-50 in CB

2 slurs suggested by the editors

In the main text we give the slur of [A2] (→CJ,CK) in b. 49 and add another one in b. 50. The absence of the slur in EL – see b. 5-6. The slur of CB is arbitrary.

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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Balakirev's revisions

notation: Slurs

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Original in: Kolekcja Boutroux-Ferrà, Valldemossa