Main text
A1 - Working autograph
CJ - Jędrzejewicz Copy
CK - Kolberg Copy
CB - Balakirev Copy
EL - First edition
  b. 32

Rhythm & metres in A1, contextual interpretation

Rhythm & metres in CJ

Rhythm & metres in CK

Rhythm & metres in CB

Rhythm & metres in EL

Rhythm & metres suggested by the editors

The notation of this bar in CJ and CK may be misleading – it contains 5 crotchets, divided 2+3 with a simultaneous change of tempo so that the 3 crotchets of the second half of the bar last as long as the 2 in the first half. It is evident when one has access to A1, in which the origin and hence the correctness of such an interpretation directly results from the polymetric notation of the 1st half of the bar continued from the previous bars. However, the notation of the aforementioned copies does not offer any hints as to such an interpretation of this notation. Therefore, we introduce additions specifying the structure of the bar and the relationship between its parts. It was also Balakirev and Kolberg that introduced changes striving in this direction. The former divided the bar in two in his copy, whereas the latter signalised the structure of the bar in EL by putting two small lines between the 2nd and 3rd beats.

The dotted rhythm on the 2nd beat of the bar is probably a mistake of the copyist – see the note in the 2nd half of the bar. 

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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Kolberg's revisions, Balakirev's revisions

notation: Rhythm

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