Main text
A1 - Working autograph
CJ - Jędrzejewicz Copy
CK - Kolberg Copy
CB - Balakirev Copy
EL - First edition
  b. 25-26

No signs in A1

  in CJ & CK (→CB)

 &  in CJ & CK, possible interpretation

in EL

The  hairpin in b. 25 was conveyed in the sources in rare accord, although one may ponder whether the mark is supposed to reach the end of the bar or the g1 crotchet only. In turn, the second mark in b. 26 in the copies is short enough to be a long accent too, which should then be referred to the beginning of the triplet. The absence of the mark in EL may be Kolberg's oversight or revision, had he considered that due to the  at the beginning of the bar, another mark was unnecessary. 

Compare the passage in the sources »

See b. 22

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Long accents, Scope of dynamic hairpins

notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins

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Original in: Zaginiona