Main text
A1 - Working autograph
CJ - Jędrzejewicz Copy
CK - Kolberg Copy
CB - Balakirev Copy
EL - First edition
  b. 18

b1-c2 in A1, CJ, CK & EL

a1-b1 in CB

In the main text we preserve the characteristic, "naive" Chopinesque orthography. In CB it was corrected in accordance with the rules, which Chopin did not always obey, particularly in working autographs or drafts (cf., e.g. the Etude in C Minor, Op. 10 No. 4, b. 15 and 19). After all, the avoidance of double accidentals can also be encountered in works of other 19th-century composers.

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category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Balakirev's revisions

notation: Pitch

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Original in: Kolekcja Boutroux-Ferrà, Valldemossa