Graphic ambiguousness
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Editorial revisions
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b. 122-123

composition: Op. 50 No. 3, Mazurka in C♯ minor

No pedalling in sources

( ) suggested by the editors


In the main text we suggest the pedalling markings written in AF (→FEEE) in analogous b. 30-31 in a variant form.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

b. 137-139

composition: Op. 50 No. 3, Mazurka in C♯ minor

No pedalling in AI & GE

Pedalling in AF

Pedalling in FE (→EE)


The absence of pedalling markings in GE must be considered an inaccuracy in these bars. All similar phrases – b. 11-12, 103-104 and 135-136 – are provided with such pedalling markings at least in one of the authentic sources; whenever discrepancies occur, they can most likely be considered an inaccuracy. In the discussed place the reason could have been, e.g. an oversight of the engraver of GE1 – these bars open a new line, and pedalling markings are absent in GE also in b. 139-140. In FE (→EE) the  mark was placed inaccurately, probably due to the notation of AF, which can be misleading at first sight.
In AI pedalling markings do not appear for the rest of the piece.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in FE

b. 139

composition: Op. 50 No. 3, Mazurka in C♯ minor

No pedalling in AI & GE

   in AF (→FEEE)

[ ], our alternative suggestion


The pedalling of AF (→FEEE), encompassing the first two beats of the bar, is related to the G crotchet present in these sources at the beginning of the bar – see the note above. As we give another version in the main text, we do not take into account this version of pedalling, particularly since in the next bar, with rest on the 1st beat, AF features a different pedalling. In accordance with what was said in the note to b. 137-138, the missing pedalling markings in GE may be an inadvertence of the engraver, hence for the version with rest we suggest pedalling markings modelled after b. 140 as an alternative solution.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

b. 140

composition: Op. 50 No. 3, Mazurka in C♯ minor

Pedalling in AF (→FEEE)

No markings in GE


The missing pedalling markings in GE may be an inadvertence of Chopin or a mistake of the engraver – cf. the note to b. 137-138. Due to this reason, in the main text we give the pedalling markings of AF (→FEEE), particularly since they are present in FE, in which Chopin proofread the accompaniment in this bar – see the note above.

category imprint: Differences between sources

b. 149-152

composition: Op. 50 No. 3, Mazurka in C♯ minor

1-bar pedalling in AF (→FEEE)

2 pedals in GE

Our variant suggestion


In the main text we include the changes of pedal under b. 149-150 and 151-152, present only in AF (→FEEE), in a variant form. When choosing one of the versions, it is also the variants of dynamic indications that should be taken into account – in the sources the shorter pedalling markings are associated with more precise dynamic indications.

category imprint: Differences between sources