Main text
Main text
Afrag - Autograph fragment
A1 - Autograph fair-copy
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FE2 - Second French edition
FED - Dubois copy
GE - German edition
GE1 - First German edition
GE2 - Second German edition
EE - English edition
EE1 - First English edition
  b. 73-75

5 long accents in A1, probable interpretation

3 long, 2 short accents in A1, literal reading

2 long, 3 short accents suggested by the editors

5 short accents in FE (→EE) & GE

The interpretation of the accents of A1 in b. 73-76 is not obvious: out of six marks, the first three look like typical long accents, while the next two are shorter, yet it is uncertain whether this difference is to be considered significant, whereas the mark in b. 76, although much longer from the remaining ones, also conforms to the characterization of long accents in terms of its shape and placement. Having compared it with the notation of A1 in analogous b. 81-84, we adopt 5 long accents and a short diminuendo hairpin as the text of this autograph.
The consolidated version of the editions most probably results from the engravers' routine interpretation of the markings.

In the main text we suggest differentiated accents for b. 73-75, modelled after the similarly differentiated notation of GE1 in analogous b. 81-83. We give another differentiated interpretation of those accents as an alternative solution. In b. 76 we adopt a long accent.

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category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Long accents, Inaccuracies in FE

notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins

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