From bar 77 to bar 78, in A there is one phrase mark, embracing the ending of the first phrase of the theme. The slurring was thought out by Chopin, since in both bars (as well as in bar 76) there are visible traces of corrections. In GE (→FE→EE) the slur replaced two curved lines, including a tie, which, together, have the same range as the slur of A. Therefore, it seems to be advisable to consider both slurs together in order to capture their mutual relationship.
A later beginning of the motivic slur (over the notes) may be ascribed to Chopin who, while proofreading FE in an analogous phrase in bars 3-4, most probably divided the slur in such a way that the new starts already from f1 at the beginning of bar 4. However, if Chopin shortened the slur to emphasise the note, he would not have added a bottom slur at the same time, which prevents it being played.
In turn, the tie of f1, although unconfirmed in the analogous place, could have also been a Chopin change. However, then the composer would not have had any reason to change the motivic slur.
One can see that both shortening the motivic slur and adding a tie of f1 could have come from Chopin, if only they did not appear at the same time. Therefore, it seems that these incoherent changes probably do not come from Chopin. Then how such a kind of distortion of the notation of A occurred? According to us, it could have been a simplified correction of an inaccurate motivic slur: adjusting slurs to the beginnings of bars was indeed a rooted manner of the engraver of GE1. Then, having to extend the slur, which would require a labour-consuming deletion of a fragment of the slur, he helped himself by adding a second bottom slur. If at the same time – which is very likely – he associated the slurring mainly with bowing, he would consider such slurs to be more or less equivalent to the notation of A.
Fakt, że w A po t. 77 kończy się strona, być może zmylił sztycharza, jeśli chodzi o znaczenie łuku rozpoczynającego się od f1 w tym takcie – patrz sąsiednia uwaga.
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category imprint: Differences between sources
issues: Errors in GE, Authentic corrections of GE
notation: Rhythm