Main text
As - Autograph sketch
AI - Autograph Rothschild
A - Autograph
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FED - Dubois copy
FES - Stirling copy
GE - German Edition
GE1op - First German edition of Op. 64
GE1no2 - First German edition of Waltz No 2
GE2op - Second German edition of Op. 64
GE2no2 - Second German edition of Waltz No 2
GE3op - Corrected impression of GE2op
EE - English Edition
EEC - Earliest English edition
EEW1 - First English edition
EEW2 - Revised impression of EEW1
  b. 10

c in As & AI

f in A (→FEGE,EE)

The version of AI, most probably written also in As, was then abandoned still before writing A. Among the hypothetical reasons of the change one can name:

  • avoiding oblique tones of c1-c and c-c2;
  • diversifying the harmonic progression – semi-tone transitions appear both two bars earlier and two bars later.

Compare the passage in the sources »

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes

notation: Pitch

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Original in: Ewa & Jeremiusz Glensk Collection, Poznań