Verbal indications
b. 1
composition: Op. 25 No 4, Etude in A minor
In the main text we give the title and dedication in accordance with the title page of the entire opus in FC and FE. category imprint: Differences between sources issues: EE revisions , Dedications , GE revisions |
b. 1
composition: Op. 25 No 4, Etude in A minor
The values of the metronome tempo, both 120 in A and 160 in FC, were written with Chopin's hand, it was most probably also the case in the manuscript base text to EE. Therefore, in the main text we give 160, present in two authentic sources. category imprint: Differences between sources issues: Errors of A , Metronome tempos |
b. 1
composition: Op. 25 No 4, Etude in A minor
According to us, placing category imprint: Differences between sources issues: GE revisions , Inaccuracies in FC , Centrally placed marks |
b. 9-11
composition: Op. 25 No 4, Etude in A minor
The legato and staccato indications, in A written both in bar 9 and two bars later, were deleted in the second place by Chopin in FC (→GE); they are also absent in EE. In turn, in FE staccato was reproduced in both bars, yet both legato indications were omitted. It can be an oversight of the engraver or Chopin's correction – the legato articulation is indicated by slurs. category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations issues: Authentic corrections of FC |
b. 31
composition: Op. 25 No 4, Etude in A minor
It is hard to state whether category imprint: Differences between sources |